Dual course of studies

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Technical dual study program
Apprenticeship: Apprenticeship as an industrial clerk
Study: Industrial engineering, specializing in mechanical engineering
Duration: 7 semesters
Time model: Semester: full-time study
Semester break: in the company with weekly vocational school lessons at the Herwig-Blankertz-Schule Hofgeismar
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering and Management
Requirements: very good A-levels (≤ 2.5), good grades in German, mathematics and English, as well as an interest in technology
Commercial dual study program
Apprenticeship: Apprenticeship as an industrial clerk
Studies: from the 2nd year of the apprenticeship, evening studies at the Kassel University of Economics and Management (FOM) take place in parallel with the apprenticeship
Duration: 7 semesters
Time model: Evening studies parallel to the apprenticeship
Degree: Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration
Requirements: Very good school and company performance in the first year of training. The application for the commercial dual study program takes place during the first year of training.
The application for the commercial dual study program takes place during the first year of training.
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